February 5, 2013
Horse Happiness
There's nothing that makes my heart happier than visiting my sweet and super athletic girlfriend, Gretel and the handsome horses at her barn in San Juan Capistrano. I don't know why I'm so enamored with a dog's eager face or a horses curious glance. But I am. It really is the simple things. Giddy up.
January 14, 2013
January 1, 2013
Be Sunny On the Inside.
How can we not love a new year? Its filled with so much hope, so many possibilities -- so much potential. We wake up with a renewed spirit, open to change, with a commitment to improve ourselves -- to take a stand, to take action and make this the year we "do" instead of "dream". This first day of January is special. We have a clean slate. More than likely we haven't disappointed anyone, including ourselves. (Unless of course you ran straight for the left-over Christmas candy when you woke up -- and in that case, just chalk it up to too much NY Eve champagne and move on).
Optimism. If you make any resolutions this year, let it be that you hold on to the optimism of today. That you look at every morning as a new chance to be the person you know you can be. That you give yourself grace and forgive yourself for yesterday's mistakes, missteps, trips and slips. Change what is under your control to change and be sunny -- on the inside.
Maxwell and some of my random Mammoth Mtn. images. |